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FSD3714 Robottien hyväksyminen, sosiaaliset prosessit ja tunteet: Yhdysvallat 2020

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Question text

GROUP1: Imagine that you meet your colleague who has started using an assistive robot for helping with a daily work-related task. You find out that learning to use the robot has been smooth and the robot has been significantly beneficial in accomplishing the intended task.

(GROUP1: groupse=1) Keeping in mind the context of your work or study, please answer to what degree you agree with the following statements: I'm confident in my ability to learn how to use assistive robots


Category labels Value n
Strongly disagree 1 1
2 6
3 20
4 37
5 64
6 60
Strongly agree 7 64
Displayed frequencies are not weighted

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 252
Maximum 7
Minimum 1
Mean 5.35
Standard deviation 1.371

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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