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FSD3713 Robottien hyväksyminen ja sosiaaliset prosessit: Yhdysvallat, huhtikuu 2019

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Question text

(Group4: grouptg= 4) We now invite you to participate in an imaginary game. In the game you play against another player and you will make decisions about how to distribute a sum of money between the two of you. At the beginning of the game, you receive 1000 dollars. You can decide whether you keep this whole sum to yourself or whether you share a part or all of it with the player that you are playing against. If you give money to the other player, we will triple the sum that you give. So, if you give 500 dollars, the other player receives 1500. Then, it is up to the other player to decide how much money to return to you. As an example, if the person returns half, you will end up with 500 + 750=1250 dollars at the end of the game. The other player may also choose not to return anything, which would mean that you win only the 500 dollars that you kept to yourself from the beginning. The more money you obtain, the more successful you will be! Fill in amount in this box (between 0-1000 dollars). Name of the opponent: jdrx894, a robot

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 154
Maximum 1000
Minimum 0
Mean 549.27
Standard deviation 309.426

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