FSD3449 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2020

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[q1a_1] No political party promotes issues that are important to me

[q1a_2] The information conveyed to citizens by politicians is reliable

[q1a_3] Epidemics, environmental pollution and natural disasters are greater security threats to Finland than acts of military aggression

[q1a_4] Economic growth is the only way to ensure continuous well-being of citizens

[q1a_5] Obedience to the law / willingness to obey laws and regulations (taxes, traffic etc.) has decreased worryingly in our country

[q1a_6] Recent events have shown that experts do not know much more than ordinary citizens

[q1a_7] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens

[q1a_8] Even though the measures adopted by the government to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) epidemic have been exceptionally tough, I give them my full support

[q1a_9] Income disparity between different population groups has grown too large in our country

[q1a_10] If Finland's economy faces difficulties because of the coronavirus epidemic, I am willing to accept lower benefits and standard of living to help overcome the situation

[q1a_11] The pandemic will lead to a shortage of basic commodities in the future

[q1a_12] COVID-19 and its spread in Finland causes me anxiety and fear

[q1a_13] In order to lower the crime rate, penalties should be notably more severe

[q1a_14] The information provided by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and other health care authorities is reliable

[q1a_15] Companies have the responsibility to keep their employees on the workforce also in difficult times

[q1a_16] It is fair that top professionals are significantly better paid than others, even if it increases income disparity

[q1a_17] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence

[q1b_1] Finland has gone too far into globalisation; from now on we should return our focus to national economy and politics

[q1b_2] The state regulates the lives of individuals too much

[q1b_3] After the pandemic crisis, the focus should be on improving employment rather than achieving climate objectives

[q1b_4] The coronavirus epidemic is nature's way of reducing human overpopulation and ensuring sufficient carrying capacity of the environment and climate

[q1b_5] I am interested in politics and follow it actively

[q1b_6] In the current situation, preventing an economic crisis in Finland is equally important as preventing the spread of COVID-19

[q1b_7] As the pandemic continues to persist, the probability of military conflicts increases

[q1b_8] Finland needs strong leaders who can restore order, discipline and respect for proper values

[q1b_9] I hope that the coronavirus epidemic marks the beginning of development towards a permanently decreased level of consumption and travel

[q1b_10] Morality in Finnish political life is unnecessarily criticised since most of our politicians are honest and conscientious people

[q1b_11] The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis will destroy Finland's economy for a long time to come

[q1b_12] The elite in our society only promote their own interests and do not care about the circumstances of ordinary Finns

[q1b_13] The information conveyed to citizens by the authorities is reliable

[q1b_14] Globalisation of international economy will increase global welfare

[q1b_15] As the pandemic continues to persist, the probability of social unrest increases

[q1b_16] Foreign development aid should not be increased as long as there are needy people in Finland

[q1b_17] COVID-19 has incited unneccessary panic. Although it is a serious pathogen, diseases and illnesses are a natural part of life

[q1b_18] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to reduce pollution and environmental problems

[q1c_1] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces

[q1c_2] In modern society, bureaucracy has become the master, not the servant

[q1c_3] Even though Finland has to carry some of the responsibility for helping refugees escaping war and persecution, the level of immigration has been too high in the past few years

[q1c_4] Even though dealing with the coronavirus epidemic requires exceptional measures at present, it is important to not let the economy be damaged more permanently

[q1c_5] The opinions of citizens have little influence on decision-making in our society

[q1c_6] One does not have to obey the law if one considers it wrong or outdated

[q1c_7] The process of globalisation is irreversible and universal and Finland has no choice but to participate in it

[q1c_8] The debate on the coronavirus epidemic has been bordering on hysteria and has driven decision-makers to take excessive measures

[q1c_9] Finland has been able to cope with its problems before and will be able to cope now

[q1c_10] One can do anything in Finland using the freedom of the individual as an excuse, regardless of what the common good might be

[q1c_11] Globalisation means that Finland will lose an increasing amount of jobs to so-called cheap labour countries

[q1c_12] Climate change is the biggest environmental threat of our time. In order to prevent it, every country must take immediate and effective measures

[q1c_13] I am willing to lower my standard of living to help developing countries

[q1c_14] Finland's ageing and diminishing population means that Finland needs to make immigration easier

[q1c_15] I'm lucky and privileged to be a Finn

[q1c_16] Income disparity is dangerous, because someone's gain is always, in one way or another, someone else's loss

[q1c_17] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces and selfish profit seeking

[q2_1] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I work at my workplace as usual

[q2_2] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I have been teleworking the whole time

[q2_3] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I have been teleworking part of the time

[q2_4] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? Teleworking is not possible in my work

[q2_5] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I work part-time, because there is less work

[q2_6] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I work overtime, because there is a lot of work

[q2_7] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I do not work, because I have been temporarily laid off or my workplace has been closed

[q2_8] How have you worked during the exceptional circumstances of the last few weeks (since the government first recommended teleworking/homeworking)? I'm not in paid employment

[q3a_1] In your opinion, how serious a threat to health is the coronavirus epidemic spreading currently in Finland? For you personally

[q3a_2] In your opinion, how serious a threat to health is the coronavirus epidemic spreading currently in Finland? For people close to you

[q3a_3] In your opinion, how serious a threat to health is the coronavirus epidemic spreading currently in Finland? For Finns in general

[q3b_1] And how serious a threat do you think the coronavirus epidemic is for economy and financial circumstances? For you personally

[q3b_2] And how serious a threat do you think the coronavirus epidemic is for economy and financial circumstances? For people close to you

[q3b_3] And how serious a threat do you think the coronavirus epidemic is for economy and financial circumstances? For Finns in general

[q4a_1] Very different assessments of the future development of Finland's economy and employment have been expressed in public. What do you suppose the state of the economy and employment in our country to be: At present

[q4a_2] Very different assessments of the future development of Finland's economy and employment have been expressed in public. What do you suppose the state of the economy and employment in our country to be: A year from now

[q4a_3] Very different assessments of the future development of Finland's economy and employment have been expressed in public. What do you suppose the state of the economy and employment in our country to be: Two years from now

[q4a_4] Very different assessments of the future development of Finland's economy and employment have been expressed in public. What do you suppose the state of the economy and employment in our country to be: Five years from now

[q4b] How would you briefly describe the situation in Finland in the near future?

[q5_1] How optimistically or pessimistically do you view the following things? Your own future

[q5_2] How optimistically or pessimistically do you view the following things? The future of Finland

[q5_3] How optimistically or pessimistically do you view the following things? The future of Europe

[q5_4] How optimistically or pessimistically do you view the following things? The future of the world

[q6_1] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Economic growth

[q6_2] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Public expenditure (state and municipalities)

[q6_3] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Tax revenue from local income tax and state tax

[q6_4] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? The status of the tripartite (labour organisations, employers' organisations, the government)

[q6_5] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Labour market reforms

[q6_6] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Business investments in Finland

[q6_7] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Situation for large corporations

[q6_8] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Situation for small and medium-sized enterprises

[q6_9] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Employment

[q6_10] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Birth rate

[q6_11] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Immigration

[q6_12] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Emigration

[q6_13] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Implementing climate policy

[q6_14] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Citizens' sense of security

[q6_15] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Populism

[q6_16] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Appreciation of politics

[q6_17] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? The will to defend the nation

[q6_18] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Community spirit and solidarity Finns have for each other

[q6_19] How do you think the coronavirus epidemic will affect society, economy and Finland's spiritual and intellectual climate in the next few years? Re-evaluation of our values

[q7_1] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Parliament

[q7_2] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Church

[q7_3] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Judiciary system

[q7_4] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Trade unions

[q7_5] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Employers' organisations

[q7_6] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Political parties

[q7_7] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The (current) government

[q7_8] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? (Current) President of the Republic

[q7_9] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? State/Government authorities

[q7_10] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? European Union (EU)

[q7_11] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Environmental organisations

[q7_12] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Civic organisations in general

[q7_13] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Police

[q7_14] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The Finnish Defence Forces

[q7_15] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Major companies, listed companies

[q7_16] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Small companies, private entrepreneurs

[q7_17] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Education system in Finland

[q7_18] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Social security system

[q7_19] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Market economy system

[q7_20] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Banks, banking system

[q7_21] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)

[q7_22] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)

[q7_23] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Wikipedia

[q7_24] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Newspaper Helsingin Sanomat

[q7_25] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? Google

[q7_26] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The TV channel MTV3

[q7_27] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The leading newspaper in your province of residence

[q7_28] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The Finnish media in general

[q7_29] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? The health care system

[q7_30] How much do you trust the following institutions or actors? National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

[q8] At present, a state of emergency has been declared in Finland and restrictions on travel and movement have been implemented. Considering your life situation, how closely are you able to follow the guidelines implemented by authorities?

[q9_1] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The global economic system will start to disintegrate and nations will move to a more self-sufficient economy

[q9_2] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Global climate policy will be paralysed

[q9_3] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Economic growth will accelerate as businesses will thoroughly change their practices

[q9_4] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Climate change, migratory flows and pandemics will lead to increasing international cooperation

[q9_5] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Travelling for work will decrease permanently

[q9_6] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? More attention will be paid all over the world to national security of supply

[q9_7] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The market position of large technology corporations will become even more dominant

[q9_8] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The pressure of immigration will increase in developed countries

[q9_9] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Climate objectives will be achieved because people travel and consume less

[q9_10] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Conflicts around the world will increase as states compete for resources

[q9_11] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Moving to major cities will slow down

[q9_12] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The importance of nation states will grow compared to the importance of supranational bodies (EU, UN etc.)

[q9_13] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? Tourism and recreational travel will decrease

[q9_14] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The importance of the internet and information networks will increase in all spheres of life

[q9_15] In your opinion, how likely is it that the following global developments will happen in the next ten years? The importance of families and immediate communities will increase

[q10a] How important is it for you to live in a country that is governed democratically?

[q10b] And how democratically is Finland being governed today?

[q10c_1] In the following, various types of political systems are described. For each one, would you say it is a good or a bad way of governing Finland? Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections

[q10c_2] In the following, various types of political systems are described. For each one, would you say it is a good or a bad way of governing Finland? Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best

[q10c_3] In the following, various types of political systems are described. For each one, would you say it is a good or a bad way of governing Finland? Having the army rule the country

[q10c_4] In the following, various types of political systems are described. For each one, would you say it is a good or a bad way of governing Finland? Having a democratic political system

[q11_1] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Armed attack against Finland

[q11_2] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Hybrid threats, destabilising Finnish society in different ways

[q11_3] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Terrorist attack in Finland

[q11_4] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: A new global financial crisis

[q11_5] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Gang violence, riots, vandalism

[q11_6] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Foreign electoral intervention

[q11_7] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Global warming

[q11_8] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Being a victim of data theft

[q11_9] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Violence by political extremist groups

[q11_10] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Pandemics and contagious diseases

[q11_11] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Uncontrolled influx of migrants to Europe

[q11_12] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Becoming a victim of violence

[q11_13] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Breaking into home or robbery of property

[q11_14] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Cyber attacks against Finland, disrupting information networks

[q11_15] Preparing for threats is a topical issue. How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Losing job or livelihood

[q12] Have your own attitudes toward migration to Finland become more favourable or critical due to the refugee crisis Europe has faced over the past few years?

[q13a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?

[q13b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?

[q13c] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?

[q13d] If a referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?

[t1] Respondent's gender

[t2] Respondent's age group

[t3] Population in respondent's municipality of residence

[t4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[t5] Type of employer (current or latest)

[t6] Respondent's working hours

[t7] Respondent's work contract

[t8] Respondent's basic education

[t9] Respodent's vocational/professional education

[t10] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[t11] Respondent's current or latest industry of employment

[t12] Are you a member of a federation of trade unions/professional organisations?

[t12b] Which federation of trade unions/professional organisations are you a member of?

[t13] If parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?

[t14] Which social class would you say you belong to?

[t15] The total gross annual income of the respondent's household

[paino] Weight variable

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