FSD3014 Knowledge Management in Large Finnish Enterprises 2014

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[vasalku] Began responding

[vasloppu] Finished responding

[vaskesto] Duration of responding (in minutes)

[kieli] Language

[q1] Respondent's field of work

[q2] Respondent's occupational status

[q3] Industrial classification of the company

[q4] Company's turnover (million euros)

[q6_a] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Decisions are made based on valid information

[q6_b] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Everyone has a chance to express their opinions when it comes to their own work

[q6_c] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Top level management informs the staff about important decisions at a sufficiently early stage

[q6_d] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Decisions made are logical and consistent, and the practices for their implementation are the same for everyone

[q6_e] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Wrong decisions can be reversed or changed

[q6_f] Describe decision-making in your organisation: The impacts of decisions are monitored and communicated

[q6_g] Describe decision-making in your organisation: Decision-making is open

[q7_a] Describe how feedback is given in your organisation: The management gives employees regular feedback

[q7_b] Describe how feedback is given in your organisation: Employees give the management regular feedback

[q7_c] Describe how feedback is given in your organisation: The organisation has a formal process for giving feedback

[q8_a] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Many different channels are utilised in internal communication

[q8_b] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: The communication of our organisation is mainly nonhierarchical and informal

[q8_c] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Our organisation has spaces where employees can gather to discuss in peace

[q8_d] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Participation in different work groups or teams is active

[q8_e] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Work groups or teams are diverse, with representatives from different sectors in the organisation

[q8_f] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Employees are encouraged to take initiative

[q8_g] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Employees are encouraged to network with individuals or bodies outside the organisation

[q8_h] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: Different groups (e.g. teams and units) can freely cooperate

[q8_i] Describe interaction and cooperation in your organisation: The organisation provides opportunities for staff to engage in constructively critical interaction

[q9_a] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: The management trusts the employees' work and actions

[q9_b] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: Employees trust each other's expertise

[q9_c] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: The organisation has a good atmosphere

[q9_d] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: We regularly survey atmosphere and job satisfaction

[q9_e] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: Social relationships between supervisors and employees are based on equality

[q9_f] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: The organisation reacts fast to employees' concerns

[q9_g] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: The individual capabilities of employees are valued

[q9_h] Describe trust and atmosphere in your organisation: Employees trust the work and actions of the management

[q10_a] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: The organisation has a defined process for strategy-making

[q10_b] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: Strategy issues are discussed in our work units

[q10_c] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: The whole organisation is involved in strategy-making

[q10_d] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: Strategy, organisational structure and practices are interdependent in our organisation

[q10_e] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: The actions and decisions of the top level management are in line with the strategy

[q10_f] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: The management at all levels of the organisation is committed to implementing the strategy

[q10_g] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: The staff is well acquainted with the strategy of the organisation

[q10_h] Describe strategy-making in your organisation: All members of the organisation are committed to achieving the common goals

[q11_a] Describe your organisational structure: Our unit structures promote interaction and information sharing between units

[q11_b] Describe your organisational structure: Our organisational structure promotes collective rather than individual behaviour

[q11_c] Describe your organisational structure: Our organisational structure facilitates creating and finding new information and knowledge

[q11_d] Describe your organisational structure: Our work space has been organised so that people can easily converse with each other

[q12_a] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable cooperation between employees

[q12_b] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable cooperation between employees and persons outside the organisation

[q12_c] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable the monitoring of competitors and business partners

[q12_d] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable people in multiple locations to learn as a group

[q12_e] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable the collection and use of new information and knowledge related to products and processes

[q12_f] Describe the information and communications technologies used in your organisation: The organisation uses technologies which enable the collection and use of new information and knowledge related to markets and competitive situation

[q13_a] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: The Internet

[q13_b] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Intranet

[q13_c] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Extranet

[q13_d] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: The organisation's own website

[q13_e] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Email

[q13_f] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Management information system (e.g. reporting system)

[q13_g] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Operational information systems (e.g. payroll, resource management, customer database)

[q13_h] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Online learning platforms

[q13_i] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Basic software for word processing, spreadsheet calculation (e.g. Excel) and creating presentations (e.g. PowerPoint)

[q13_j] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Project management software

[q13_k] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Personnel (HR) databases

[q13_l] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Knowledge databases

[q13_m] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Training/education databases

[q13_n] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Orientation databases

[q13_o] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Competitor databases

[q13_p] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Possibility for video or phone conferences

[q13_q] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Collaborative work/working group platforms (e.g. LotusNotes)

[q13_r] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Dedicated documentation of internal best practices

[q13_s] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Mentoring

[q13_t] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Work rotation

[q13_u] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Brainstorming

[q13_v] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Information specialist services

[q13_x] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: E-services for customers

[q13_y_2] Describe the use of information systems and services in your organisation: Other, please specify (open-ended)

[q14_a] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: The organisation has functional processes for acquiring customer data

[q14_b] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: The organisation has functional processes for sharing information with business partners

[q14_c] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: The organisation has functional processes for acquiring information on new products and services within the industry

[q14_d] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: The organisation has functional processes for acquiring information on competitors

[q14_e] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: To learn how to improve customer services, employees from departments besides sales and/or marketing are in direct communication with customers

[q14_f] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: We acquire new ideas through networks

[q14_g] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: When people need information, they know exactly who to ask

[q14_h] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: Information relevant to the employees' work is available to a sufficient degree

[q14_i] Describe the practices of information and competence acquisition in your organisation: Information seeking tasks have been centralised to experts

[q15_a] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: The organisation has processes for information sharing throughout the organisation

[q15_b] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: The organisation has processes for information sharing between individuals

[q15_c] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: Information sharing happens mainly in teams

[q15_d] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: Information sharing between profit centres is plentiful

[q15_e] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: Some units in the organisation withhold information

[q15_f] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: Employees often have informal conversations (e.g. by water automats, in halls, during coffee break) related to their work

[q15_g] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: Employees share information related to their expertise to others

[q15_h] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: There are processes for ensuring that the expertise and knowledge of individuals leaving is not lost to the organisation

[q15_i] Describe the practices of information and knowledge sharing in your organisation: The organisation has a standardised reward system for information sharing

[q16_a] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: Our employees have access to all the information they need for their work

[q16_b] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: The information needed by employees for their work is best retained in their own memory

[q16_c] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: Information is easy to find in our organisation

[q16_d] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: Information is kept up-to-date in our organisation

[q16_e] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: Written reports are frequently circulated

[q16_f] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: We regularly update our guidelines on work processes and methods

[q16_g] Describe your organisation's practices concerning information and knowledge organisation: There are defined processes on how to organise information within the organisation

[q17_a] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: The strategic goals of our organisation direct how staff knowledge is developed

[q17_b] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: The knowledge and competence of our staff is regularly assessed

[q17_c] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: The organisation provides opportunities for employees to develop their knowledge and competence during working hours

[q17_d] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: We train new personnel systematically

[q17_e] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: Our employees have a clear plan for developing their knowledge

[q17_f] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: The knowledge and competence needs of our staff as a whole are actively discussed

[q17_g] Describe the practices of knowledge development in your organisation: The organisation monitors whether the goals agreed in professional development reviews are met

[q18_a] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: We learn new things when working together and asking for help from each other

[q18_b] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: Inexperienced employees always practice first under the guidance of more experienced employees

[q18_c] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: We spend time on developing new ideas

[q18_d] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: Instead of just sticking to the routines, we engage in critical thinking and developing things together

[q18_e] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The improvement suggestions of everyone (customers, employees and managers) are taken into account

[q18_f] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: Best practices and experiences are written down as e.g. guidelines and shared for the use of the whole organisation

[q18_g] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: We examine the successes and failures of projects critically

[q18_h] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The experience and knowhow of more experienced employees is valued and utilised

[q18_i] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The knowledge and knowhow of new employees is valued and utilised

[q18_j] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The organisation has processes for creating new knowledge based on existing knowledge

[q18_k] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The organisation has processes for merging different types of information and knowledge from various sources

[q18_l] Describe the practices of knowledge and competence evolution in your organisation: The organisation has processes for replacing out-of-date information and knowledge

[q19_a] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: Employees have enough time to seek and apply information

[q19_b] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: Information gained from projects is used to improve subsequent projects

[q19_c] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: The organisation has employees whose work tasks include recognising best practices

[q19_d] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: The organisation has processes for using the information gained through learning from mistakes

[q19_f] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: The organisation knows to use the appropriate sources of information when solving problems and challenges

[q19_g] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: The organisation has ways for bringing information to those who need it

[q19_h] Describe the practices of information and knowledge application in your organisation: Information is transferred between projects

[q20_a] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has processes for protecting information from inappropriate use by outsiders

[q20_b] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has processes for protecting information from inappropriate use within the organisation

[q20_c] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has incentives which encourage our employees to protect information

[q20_d] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has technologies which restrict access to some sources of information

[q20_e] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has extensive practices and methods for protecting trade secrets

[q20_f] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation values and protects information relating to individuals (personal data)

[q20_g] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: Information that needs to be kept secret is clearly defined and specified

[q20_h] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation communicates the importance of information protection clearly

[q20_i] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The management reviews the information often in case of mistakes

[q20_j] Describe the practices on how your organisation keeps information and knowledge protected and secure: The organisation has established processes for retaining information and knowledge when an employee leaves

[q21_a] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to innovate new products or services

[q21_b] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to recognise new business opportunities

[q21_c] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to coordinate development activities carried out by different units

[q21_d] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to quickly commercialise new innovations

[q21_e] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to quickly adapt to unforeseen changes

[q21_f] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to foresee surprises and crisis in advance

[q21_g] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to avoid overlapping/duplicate development of company initiatives

[q21_h] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to streamline internal processes

[q21_i] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to reduce overlapping/duplicate information

[q21_k] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to frequently improve or change existing products or services

[q21_l] Describe the effectiveness/accomplishments of the past two years in your organisation: The organisation has improved its ability to frequently modify products or services to reduce costs

[q22_1_a] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Keeping to schedule

[q22_1_b] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Time use / reserving time to utilise information and knowledge

[q22_1_c] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Employee resistance to change

[q22_1_d] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Personnel resources

[q22_1_e] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Commitment of the management

[q22_1_f] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Amount of training

[q22_1_g] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Negative attitude towards information sharing

[q22_1_h] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Utilising internal information and knowledge

[q22_1_i] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Utilising external knowledge from outside the organisation

[q22_1_j] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Defining knowledge

[q22_1_k] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Suitable and integrated technologies

[q22_1_l] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Financial resources

[q22_1_m] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Recognising necessary and important information

[q22_1_n] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Efficiency of information gathering and management

[q22_1_o] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Withholding of information

[q22_1_p] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Measuring the usefulness of operations/work/activities

[q22_1_q] Has the following been a challenge in knowledge management for your organisation? Tools and equipment

[q22_2_a] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Keeping to schedule

[q22_2_b] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Time use / reserving time to utilise information and knowledge

[q22_2_c] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Employee resistance to change

[q22_2_d] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Personnel resources

[q22_2_e] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Commitment of the management

[q22_2_f] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Amount of training

[q22_2_g] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Negative attitude towards information sharing

[q22_2_h] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Utilising internal information and knowledge

[q22_2_i] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Utilising external knowledge from outside the organisation

[q22_2_j] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Defining knowledge

[q22_2_k] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Suitable and integrated technologies

[q22_2_l] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Financial resources

[q22_2_m] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Recognising necessary and important information

[q22_2_n] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Efficiency of information gathering and management

[q22_2_o] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Withholding of information

[q22_2_p] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Measuring the usefulness of operations/work/activities

[q22_2_q] What are presently the most important development goals for knowledge management in your organisation? Tools and equipment

[q23] What are the goals for knowledge management in your organisation? (open-ended)

[q24] Explain briefly what knowledge management is in your view: (open-ended)

[q25] Do you have a common title/term in your organisation for the work you described in the previous question? Please specify. (open-ended)

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