FSD2884 Welfare and Services in Finland 2004

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[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

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[koti1] Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

[koti2] Are there children under the age of 18 living in your household?

[koti2a] (IF KOTI2=YES) How many children under the age of 18?

[koti2b] (IF KOTI2=YES) And how many children under the age of 7?

[taus1] What is your father's current or most recent occupation? (categorised open-ended)

[taus2] What is your mother's current or most recent occupation? (categorised open-ended)

[taus3] If you think about the time you were 15 years old, was your childhood home:

[taus4] Which of the following best describes your economic activity?

[taus5a] Do you look after a child at home and claim child home care allowance?

[taus5b] When have you last worked as an employee or an entrepreneur / own-account worker / self-employed person?

[taus6] (IF NOT A STUDENT) What is/was your status in employment?

[taus7] (IF AN EMPLOYEE) Are/were you in a managerial position?

[taus8a] (IF AN ENTREPRENEUR) Do/did you have employees?

[taus8b] (IF AN ENTREPRENEUR) How many employees do/did you have?

[taus9] (IF AN EMPLOYEE) What is your current or most recent occupation? (categorised open-ended)

[taus10] Is/was your employer:

[taus11] Have you been unemployed at some point in your life?

[taus11a] How many months in total?

[taus12] (IF AN EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Is your current employment contract:

[taus13] (IF AN EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Is your job:

[taus14] (IF AN EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Is your working time:

[taus14b] (IF AN EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Is the shift work:

[taus15a] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Transfer to other tasks

[taus15b] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk that the job changes into a part-time job or there will be less work available

[taus15c] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of decline in income

[taus15d] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of layoffs

[taus15e] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of termination

[taus15f] (IF EMPLOYEE IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of unemployment

[taus16a] (IF UNEMPLOYED) How many months has your current (continuous) period of unemployment or layoff lasted?

[taus16b] (IF UNEMPLOYED) How likely do you think it is that you will gain employment in the following six months?

[taus17] (IF RETIRED) At what age did you retire full-time?

[tal1a] Is your house/apartment:

[tal1b] (IF OVER 60 AND RETIRED) Do you live in sheltered housing / assisted living residence?

[tal2a] How many rooms are there in your house/apartment, including the kitchen?

[tal2b] How many square metres is the habitable floor area of your house/apartment?

[tal3] In the past two years, have you been in danger of losing your house/apartment because of eviction or some other reason?

[tal3b] Do you live in:

[tal4a] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Size of your housing

[tal4a1] (IF TAL4A=4,5) Is your house/apartment too small or too big?

[tal4b] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Amenities of your housing

[tal4c] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Cost of housing

[tal4d] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Transport connections

[tal4e] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Commercial services in the neighbourhood

[tal4f] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Public services in the neighbourhood

[tal4g] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Natural environment and parks in the neighbourhood

[tal4h] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Architecture in the neighbourhood (appearance of buildings)

[tal4i] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with: Safety of the neighbourhood

[tal5a] Are there problems or barriers to accessibility in your housing that hinder your daily activities: Defects in the bathroom (e.g. no shower, no hot water, too small, difficult to get into a tub)

[tal5b] Are there problems or barriers to accessibility in your housing that hinder your daily activities: Problems in the kitchen (e.g. no sink, cramped, unsuitable height of cabinets or countertops)

[tal5c] Are there problems or barriers to accessibility in your housing that hinder your daily activities: Structures obstructing movement such as stairs, narrow doorways or corridors, no elevator

[tal6] Does your household have a housing loan?

[tal7] To what extent are the housing costs of your household a burden? Is paying them:

[tal8] Does your household have loans other than a housing loan?

[tal9] Is paying these loans and interests:

[tal10] Thinking about the income and expenses of your household, do you usually have extra money that you could save?

[tal11] If you think about the total income of your household, is covering expenses with this income:

[tal12a] In the past 12 months, have you: Been afraid that you will run out of food before you have money to buy more?

[tal12b] In the past 12 months, have you: Been in a situation where you have run out of money for food?

[tal12c] In the past 12 months, have you: Not eaten for a whole day or longer (gone hungry), because you did not have money for food?

[terv1] What would you say your health is like these days compared to other people of your age?

[terv2] How often do you have physical exercise that lasts at least 30 minutes and makes you breathe more heavily?

[terv3] How often do you consume alcohol, including even the small single doses (including beer and cider):

[terv4] Do you smoke regularly, daily or almost daily (cigarettes, cigars or pipe)?

[terv5] How tall are you (cm)?

[terv6] How much do you weigh (kg)?

[terv7] Do you have any long-term illness, disability or health problem which limits your daily activities?

[terv8a_1] Which illness, disability or health problem? First mentioned (open-ended)

[terv8a_2] Which illness, disability or health problem? Second mentioned (open-ended)

[terv8a_3] Which illness, disability or health problem? Third mentioned (open-ended)

[terv8b] How much does the illness, health problem or disability impede your activities?

[terv8c] Has the illness, disability or health problem been diagnosed by a doctor?

[terv9] Have you been under stress lately?

[terv10] (WOMEN UNDER 46) Have you been pregnant this year?

[terv11] Have you visited a doctor or been to a check-up by a public health nurse in the past 12 months because of an illness or a pregnancy?

[terv12a] Did you visit: General practitioner or public health nurse in a public health centre?

[terv12b] How many times?

[terv13a] Did you visit: Hospital clinic?

[terv13b] How many times?

[terv14a] Did you visit: General practitioner or a public health nurse in an occupational health centre?

[terv14b] How many times?

[terv15a] Did you visit: General practitioner in a private health care facility

[terv15b] How many times?

[terv16a] Did a general practitioner visit you at home?

[terv16b] How many times?

[terv17a] Did you visit: General practitioner somewhere else (e.g. in the army or while travelling)?

[terv17b] How many times?

[terv18] Where would you primarily try to get a doctor's appointment if you suddenly got ill during the day on a weekday?

[terv19] In your view, have you received adequate treatment for your illnesses / health problems in the past 12 months?

[terv20a] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Lack of money

[terv20b] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Taking care of matters related to work or home, or other matters

[terv20c] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Lack of services or distance to them

[terv20d] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Doubts about the efficacy of treatment

[terv21a] What is the distance from your home to the closest: General practitioner in a public health centre?

[terv21b] What is the distance from your home to the closest: General practitioner in a private health care facility?

[terv21c] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Dentist in a public health centre?

[terv21d] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Dentist in a private health care facility?

[terv21e] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Pharmacy (that sells prescription drugs)?

[terv22] In the past 12 months, have you had to wait unreasonably long for the treatment you required for your health problem or illness?

[terv23a] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in a public health centre?

[terv23b] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in an occupational health centre?

[terv23c] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in a private health care facility?

[terv23d] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Being admitted to hospital clinic?

[terv23e] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Medical procedure in a hospital?

[terv23f] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a dentist in a public health centre?

[terv24] Have you had toothache or other problems related to teeth or dentures in the past 12 months?

[terv25] Have you visited a dentist in the past 12 months?

[terv26a] Did you visit: Dentist in a public health centre?

[terv26b] How many times?

[terv27a] Did you visit: Dentist in a private health care facility?

[terv27b] How many times?

[terv28a] Did you visit: Other dentist (e.g. in the army or while travelling)

[terv28b] How many times?

[terv29a] Did you visit: Dental technician?

[terv29b] How many times?

[palv1_a] Has your household received financial support from the following in the past 12 months: Relatives

[palv1_a1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv1_b] Has your household received financial support from the following in the past 12 months: Friends, neighbours, acquaintances

[palv1_b1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv1_c] Has your household received financial support from the following in the past 12 months: Church, religious community, congregation

[palv1_c1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv1_d] Has your household received financial support from the following in the past 12 months: Organisations, associations

[palv1_d1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv1_e] Has your household received financial support from the following in the past 12 months: Municipal or government authorities

[palv1_e1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv2_a] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Relatives

[palv2_a1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv2_b] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Friends, neighbours, acquaintances

[palv2_b1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv2_c] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Church, religious community, congregation

[palv2_c1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv2_d] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Organisations, associations

[palv2_d1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv2_e] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Municipal or government authorities

[palv2_e1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv2_f] Has your household received or purchased help with household work, shopping etc. from the following in the past 12 months: Private companies providing social and health care services

[palv2_f1] Was the significance of the help received or purchased:

[palv3_a] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Relatives

[palv3_a1] Was the significance of the support received or purchased:

[palv3_b] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Friends, neighbours, acquaintances

[palv3_b1] Was the significance of the support received or purchased:

[palv3_c] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Church, religious community, congregation

[palv3_c1] Was the significance of the support received or purchased:

[palv3_d] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Organisations, associations

[palv3_d1] Was the significance of the support received or purchased:

[palv3_e] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Municipal or government authorities

[palv3_e1] Was the significance of the support received or purchased:

[palv3_f] Has someone in your household received or purchased home care services from the following in the past 12 months: Private companies providing social and health care services

[palv3_f1] Was the significance of the assistance received or purchased:

[palv4_a] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Relatives

[palv4_a1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv4_b] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Friends, neighbours, acquaintances

[palv4_b1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv4_c] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Church, religious community, congregation

[palv4_c1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv4_d] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Organisations, associations

[palv4_d1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv4_e] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Municipal or government authorities

[palv4_e1] Was the significance of the support received:

[palv4_f] Has someone in your household received counselling (support by talking to someone) from the following in the past 12 months: Private companies providing social and health care services

[palv4_f1] Was the significance of the support received:

[apu1a] How do you manage by yourself, unaided, with the following tasks: Preparing food

[apu1b] How do you manage by yourself, unaided, with the following tasks: Light household work, such as doing the dishes

[apu1c] How do you manage by yourself, unaided, with the following tasks: Heavy household work, such as cleaning

[apu1d] How do you manage by yourself, without help, the following tasks: Running errands or moving about outside

[apu1e] How do you manage by yourself, unaided, with the following tasks: Personal activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing and toileting

[apu1f] How do you manage by yourself, unaided, with the following tasks: Health care at home, such as taking medicines or treating cuts and wounds

[apu2] Do you nowadays receive help with daily activities as result of decline in physical or mental abilities?

[apu2_a1] How often do you receive help with: Preparing food?

[apu2_a2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu2_b1] How often do you receive help with: Light household work, such as doing the dishes?

[apu2_b2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu2_c1] How often do you receive help with: Heavy household work, such as cleaning?

[apu2_c2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu2_d1] How often do you receive help with: Running errands and moving about outside?

[apu2_d2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu2_e1] How often do you receive help with: Personal activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing and toileting?

[apu2_e2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu2_f1] How often do you receive help with: Health care at home, such as taking medicines or treating cuts and wounds?

[apu2_f2] From whom do you receive help?

[apu3] On the whole, to what extent do you receive help with activities of daily living?

[apu4a] Who helps you the most?

[apu4muu] Someone else: Who? (open-ended)

[apu4b] From whom would you prefer to receive help?

[apu5] How satisfied are you with the help and support you receive? Are you:

[apu6] In your view, are you in contact with relatives and friends who do not live with you:

[apu7a] Do you feel things get worse as you get older?

[apu7b] Do you have as much energy as you did last year?

[apu7c] Do you feel lonely?

[apu7d] Do you feel you are more easily bothered/annoyed by small things this year?

[apu7e] Do you meet your friends and family often enough?

[apu7f] Do you feel that as you get older, you become more useless?

[apu7g] Do you occasionally worry so much that you can't sleep?

[apu7h] As you get older, do you notice that some things are better than you expected them to be?

[apu7i] Do you sometimes feel that life is not worth living?

[apu7j] Are you nowadays at least as happy as you were when you were younger?

[apu7k] Do you have much cause for sorrow?

[apu7l] Are you afraid of many things?

[apu7m] Do you get angry more easily than before?

[apu7n] Is your life often difficult?

[apu7o] Are you satisfied with your life as it is at the moment?

[apu7p] Do you usually take things hard?

[apu7q] Do you get irritated/nervous easily?

[apu8a] I'm often so busy that I hardly have enough time

[apu8b] I usually have enough activities for the whole day

[apu8c] By now, I have attained the important things that I want out of life

[apu8d] I can deal with anything I need to

[apu8e] I can have an influence on what happens to me

[apu9] Do you get bored because there is nothing to do?

[apu10] In your opinion, what is the best housing solution for an elderly person who needs personal care and support?

[apu10muu] Other housing solution: Which? (open-ended)

[asvait1a] Who should hold primary responsibility for elderly care in Finland? Which of the following do you regard the most important:

[asvait1b] What about the second most important:

[asvait2] Is the level of social security in Finland at the moment:

[asvait3] Do you expect the financial situation of your household in the near future will:

[asvait4] Do you expect your situation in life in the near future will:

[asvait5] There is too large a gap between the rich and the poor in Finland

[asvait6a] Tax rates should be lowered in Finland even if it leads to cuts in social security

[asvait6b] The level of social security in Finland must be maintained even if it leads to increases in tax rates

[k1] The respondent's gender

[k2] The respondent's year of birth

[k3] Do you live:

[k4a] Satisfaction with life: Thinking about your life at the moment, are you...

[k4b] Satisfaction with life: Thinking about your financial situation, are you...

[k4c] Satisfaction with life: Thinking about the amount of your leisure time, are you...

[k4d] Satisfaction with life: Thinking about your current job, are you...

[k5] If it were financially and otherwise possible, which of the following would you prefer to do in your current situation?

[k5b] Part-time work: How many hours would you do a week?

[k5_muu] Something else, what? (open-ended)

[k6a] If the state and municipalities have to cut their expenditure, which expenditure can be cut down and which cannot: Unemployment benefits

[k6b] If the state and municipalities have to cut their expenditure, which expenditure can be cut down and which cannot: Health care

[k6c] If the state and municipalities have to cut their expenditure, which expenditure can be cut down and which cannot: Income redistribution, such as child benefits and pensions

[k6d] If the state and municipalities have to cut their expenditure, which expenditure can be cut down and which cannot: Social services, such as child day care and elderly care

[k7a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The state and municipalities should be the ones to provide most of the health and social services needed by citizens

[k7b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Private social services should be increased

[k7c] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Private health services should be increased

[k7d] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Private social and health services are more efficient than the corresponding public services

[k8a_1] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Spouse, partner

[k8a_2] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Other family member/relative

[k8a_3] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Close friend

[k8a_4] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Close colleague

[k8a_5] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Other person close to you

[k8a_6] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: No one

[k8b_1] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Spouse, partner

[k8b_2] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Other family member/relative

[k8b_3] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Close friend

[k8b_4] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Close colleague

[k8b_5] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Other person close to you

[k8b_6] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: No one

[k8c_1] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: Spouse, partner

[k8c_2] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: Other family member/relative

[k8c_3] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: Close friend

[k8c_4] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: Close colleague

[k8c_5] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: Other person close to you

[k8c_6] Who fully accepts you for who you are with all your strengths and your flaws: No one

[k8d_1] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: Spouse, partner

[k8d_2] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: Other family member/relative

[k8d_3] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: Close friend

[k8d_4] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: Close colleague

[k8d_5] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: Other person close to you

[k8d_6] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what happens to you: No one

[k8e_1] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: Spouse, partner

[k8e_2] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: Other family member/relative

[k8e_3] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: Close friend

[k8e_4] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: Close colleague

[k8e_5] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: Other person close to you

[k8e_6] Whom can you really count on to make you feel better when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps: No one

[k8f_1] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? Spouse, partner

[k8f_2] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? Other family member/relative

[k8f_3] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? Close friend

[k8f_4] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? Close colleague

[k8f_5] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? Other person close to you

[k8f_6] Whom can you count on to console you when you are out of sorts (confused, shocked, sad)? No one

[k9a] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people are prepared to lie for their own gain

[k9b] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people are honest and honourable chiefly because they are afraid of getting caught

[k9c] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people are ready to use dishonest means for their own gain if honest means are not enough

[k9d] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I often wonder what could be the real reasons that make other people do something for me

[k9e] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: No one cares much about what happens to others

[k9f] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is best not to trust anyone

[k9g] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people make friends because friends are likely to be useful for them

[k9h] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people don't really want to put themselves out to help other people

[k10a] Are things or events in your daily life difficult for you to understand?

[k10b] Do solutions to problems regarded hopeless by others come naturally to you?

[k10c] Do you generally feel that taking care of your daily tasks is a source of great pleasure and satisfaction to you?

[k11] What do you think the attitudes of younger generations towards you will be like when you get older? Will they respect you:

[k12] Number of elderly people needing long-term care is increasing in Finland. Which of the following do you view as the best way to guarantee the financing of long-term care in the future?

[k13] Do you think the elderly are discriminated against in Finland?

[k14] Have you been in paid work in the past 12 months (at least for a month)?

[k15a] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: My supervisor listens to the opinions of his/her subordinates in important matters

[k15b] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Personal preferences of the supervisor do not interfere with his/her decisions

[k15c] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: My supervisor treats his/her subordinates in a kind and thoughtful manner

[k15d] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: My supervisor can be trusted

[k15e] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Decisions made at my workplace are based on correct/relevant information

[k15f] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: At my workplace, everyone has the right to voice his/her opinion in matters regarding his/herself

[k15g] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: At my workplace, all the affected parties are represented in decision-making

[k15h] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Decisions made at my workplace have been consistent (the rules are the same for everyone)

[k16] If you need to take a short sick leave (1-3 days), what is the minimum requirement for notifying your workplace about the absence?

[k17] If you visited a doctor in a private health care facility, would you receive a payment from a private insurance company in addition to the standard Kela (Finnish social security institution) reimbursement?

[k18a] Do you have the following insurances? Life insurance

[k18b] Do you have the following insurances? Group insurance

[k18c] Do you have the following insurances? Private health insurance

[k18d] Do you have the following insurances? Private personal accident insurance or leisure time accident insurance

[k18e] Do you have the following insurances? Home insurance or multiline insurance

[k18f] Do you have the following insurances? Traffic insurance

[k18g] Do you have the following insurances? Statutory accident insurance

[k19] For how many days have you received inpatient care in a hospital in the past 12 months, that is, after around 1 September 2003?

[k20] Do you currently take some prescription medicine ordered by a doctor to treat an illness?

[k20_1] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (first mention, open-ended)

[k20_2] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (second mention, open-ended)

[k20_3] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (third mention, open-ended)

[k20_4] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (fourth mention, open-ended)

[k20_5] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (fifth mention, open-ended)

[k20_6] What are the names of these prescription medicines? (sixth mention, open-ended)

[k21] Do you currently take some over-the-counter medicine, vitamin product or natural medicine etc.?

[k21_1] What are the names of these products? (first mention, open-ended)

[k21_2] What are the names of these products? (second mention, open-ended)

[k21_3] What are the names of these products? (third mention, open-ended)

[k21_4] What are the names of these products? (fourth mention, open-ended)

[k21_5] What are the names of these products? (fifth mention, open-ended)

[k21_6] What are the names of these products? (sixth mention, open-ended)

[k22] Which of the following statements is closest to your own opinion?

[k23a] Should the following areas of health care be improved in your municipality of residence: Quicker access to doctor's appointment

[k23b] Should the following areas of health care be improved in your municipality of residence: Facilitate access to medical procedure in hospital

[k23c] Should the following areas of health care be improved in your municipality of residence: Increase freedom of choice when selecting general practitioner or location of treatment

[k23d] Should the following areas of health care be improved in your municipality of residence: Possibility to receive information on the quality and results of treatment

[k23e] Should the following areas of health care be improved in your municipality of residence: Reduce treatment costs paid by the patient

[k24a] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence? Services of health centres (primary health care services)

[k24b] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence? Hospital services

[k24c] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence? Elderly care services

[k24d] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence? Dentist services

[k24e] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence? Rehabilitation services

[k25] If the government and parliament had to choose between one of the following three alternatives, which one should they choose?

[k26] Who should primarily be responsible for monitoring social and health care?

[k27] Who should primarily be responsible for producing health services?

[k28] How should health care primarily be financed?

[k29a] If I needed support provided by the state or the municipality, it would be difficult for me to apply for social assistance

[k29b] If I needed support provided by the state or the municipality, it would be difficult for me to apply for disability benefit/allowance

[k29c] If I needed support provided by the state or the municipality, it would be difficult for me to apply for support meant for purchasing home care services

[k29d] If I needed support from society, it would be difficult for me to apply for counselling given by a social worker for problems related to family or relationships

[k29e] I believe I would receive day care services if I needed them

[k29f] I believe I would receive social assistance if I needed it

[k29g] I believe I would receive disability services if I needed them

[k29h] I believe I would receive home care services if I needed them

[k29i] I believe I would receive counselling provided by a social worker for problems related to family or relationships if I needed it

[k30] Which of the following statements is closest to your own opinion?

[k31a] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By improving emergency social services

[k31b] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By providing quicker access to social services

[k31c] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By making the process of granting social assistance faster

[k31d] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By increasing consumer choice in social services

[k31e] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By increasing customer feedback for social services

[k31f] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By providing more information to people on their rights to benefits and services

[k31g] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By decreasing user fees

[k31h] Should social services be developed in your municipality of residence: By increasing user fees

[k32a] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Child day care

[k32b] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Home care services

[k32c] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Services for the elderly

[k32d] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Services for the disabled

[k32e] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Long-term care

[k32f] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Social assistance and social work targeted at adults

[k32g] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Support services for young people and children

[k32h] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Family services and family crisis resolution

[k32i] To what extent should the following social services be developed in your municipality of residence: Substance abuse treatment

[k33] Have you contacted municipal social services in order to apply for financial assistance in the past 12 months?

[k34a] What kind of financial assistance did you apply for and was the assistance you received sufficient? Social assistance

[k34b] What kind of financial assistance did you apply for and was the assistance you received sufficient? Support for informal care

[k34c] What kind of financial assistance did you apply for and was the assistance you received sufficient? Debt counselling

[k34d] What kind of financial assistance did you apply for and was the assistance you received sufficient? Housing allowance

[k34e] What kind of financial assistance did you apply for and was the assistance you received sufficient? Other assistance related to finances

[k34e_muu] Other assistance related to finances. Please specify (open-ended)

[k35] Have you contacted municipal social services in order to apply for aid, treatment or other service in the past 12 months?

[k36a] Did you apply for the following service: Child day care

[k36b] Did you apply for the following service: Home care services

[k36c] Did you apply for the following service: Long-term care for the elderly

[k36d] Did you apply for the following service: Services for the disabled

[k36e] Did you apply for the following service: Employment services provided by social services (rehabilitation, rehabilitative work experience)

[k36f] Did you apply for the following service: Child welfare services

[k36g] Did you apply for the following service: Substance abuse treatment

[k36h] Did you apply for the following service: Mental health services

[k36i] Did you apply for the following service: Services of the Social Ombudsman

[k36j] Did you apply for the following service: Housing services (e.g. assisted housing)

[k36k] Did you apply for the following service: Other service

[k36k_muu] Other service: Please specify (open-ended)

[k36a2] Was the service satisfactory: Child day care

[k36b2] Was the service satisfactory: Home care services

[k36c2] Was the service satisfactory: Long-term care for the elderly

[k36d2] Was the service satisfactory: Services for the disabled

[k36e2] Was the service satisfactory: Employment services provided by social services (rehabilitation, rehabilitative work experience)

[k36f2] Was the service satisfactory: Child welfare services

[k36g2] Was the service satisfactory: Substance abuse treatment

[k36h2] Was the service satisfactory: Mental health services

[k36i2] Was the service satisfactory: Services of the Social Ombudsman

[k36j2] Was the service satisfactory: Housing services (e.g. assisted housing)

[k36k2] Was the service satisfactory: Other service

[k37] Have you contacted municipal social services in order to apply for guidance/counselling services in the past 12 months?

[k38a] Did you apply for the following service: Negotiation over child custody and visiting rights

[k38b] Did you apply for the following service: Matter related to adopted or foster children

[k38c] Did you apply for the following service: Counselling for family problems or crisis

[k38d] Did you apply for the following service: Counselling for problems related to child school behaviour, shoplifting etc.

[k38e] Did you apply for the following service: Guidance, advice (statement, certificates)

[k38a2] Was the service satisfactory: Negotiation over child custody and visiting rights

[k38b2] Was the service satisfactory: Matter related to adopted or foster children

[k38c2] Was the service satisfactory: Counselling for family problems or crisis

[k38d2] Was the service satisfactory: Counselling for problems related to child school behaviour, shoplifting etc.

[k38e2] Was the service satisfactory: Guidance, advice (statement, certificates)

[k39_syy1] If you were not granted the financial assistance or service, what do you think the reason was? (first reason)

[k39_syy2] If you were not granted the financial assistance or service, what do you think the reason was? (second reason)

[k39_muu] Other reason: Please specify (open-ended)

[k40] How long did you have to wait to receive the social service or financial assistance you needed?

[k41] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for a social service or financial assistance you have applied for?

[k42a] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Child day care spot

[k42b] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Home care services

[k42c] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Nursing home placement for an elderly person

[k42d] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Services for the disabled

[k42e] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Child welfare services

[k42f] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Services for substance abusers

[k42g] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Social assistance application process

[k42h] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Appointment in a mental health clinic

[k42i] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Services of the Social Ombudsman

[k42j] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Housing services (e.g. assisted housing)

[k42k] For which service have you had to wait unreasonably long? Other service

[k42k_muu] Other service: Please specify (open-ended)

[k43a] What was your experience with the social services like? Taking care of the matter was complicated or troublesome

[k43b] What was your experience with the social services like? Long distance to the social service office caused difficulties

[k43c] What was your experience with the social services like? Opening hours of the office caused difficulties

[k43d] What was your experience with the social services like? I had to wait too long for my turn

[k43e] What was your experience with the social services like? My situation was understood and I received professional help

[k43f] What was your experience with the social services like? Service was polite and responsive

[k43g] What was your experience with the social services like? My suggestions and wishes were taken into account in resolving the matter

[k44] How well are you able to move about?

[k45] How well are you able to read?

[k46] What is your hearing like?

[k47] Breathing:

[k48] How well do you sleep?

[k49] Eating:

[k50] How well are you able to speak?

[k51] Elimination:

[k52] How well are you able to perform your usual activities?

[k53] Mental function:

[k54] Discomfort and symptoms:

[k55] Depression:

[k56] Distress:

[k57] What is your vitality like?

[k58] Sexual activity:

[k59a] How often do you meet or are otherwise in contact with (e.g. by phone) people close to you: Your spouse/partner

[k59b] How often do you meet or are otherwise in contact with (e.g. by phone) people close to you: Your children

[k59c] How often do you meet or are otherwise in contact with (e.g. by phone) people close to you: Your grandchildren

[k59d] How often do you meet or are otherwise in contact with (e.g. by phone) people close to you: Your closest friend

[k59e] How often do you meet or are otherwise in contact with (e.g. by phone) people close to you: Other people close to you

[k60a] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Studied, for example, in an adult education centre

[k60b] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Done creative activities at home, for example, writing, painting, crafts etc.

[k60c] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Visited relatives or friends

[k60d] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Been visited by relatives or friends

[k60e] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Participated in the activities of an organisation/association or done voluntary work outside home

[k60f] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Provided support or guidance to other people at your home

[k60g] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Attended cultural events (e.g. cinema, concerts, theatre, art exhibitions)

[k60h] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Read books, magazines or newspapers

[k60i] Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks: Gone to church or attended religious events

[k61a] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Home care services provided by the municipality

[k61b] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Private home care services

[k61c] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Home health care services provided by the municipality

[k61d] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Private home health care services

[k61e] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Meal delivery service

[k61f] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Assistive devices

[k61g] Have you applied for the following services in the past 12 months: Other services that support independent living

[k61f_avo] Assistive devices: Please specify (open-ended)

[k61g_avo] Other services that support independent living: Please specify (open-ended)

[k61a2] Was the service satisfactory: Home care services provided by the municipality

[k61b2] Was the service satisfactory: Private home care services

[k61c2] Was the service satisfactory: Home health care services provided by the municipality

[k61d2] Was the service satisfactory: Private home health care services

[k61e2] Was the service satisfactory: Meal delivery service

[k61f2] Was the service satisfactory: Assistive devices

[k61g2] Was the service satisfactory: Other services that support independent living

[k62_1] Please circle three services that you regard the most important for the management of your daily activities. You can also select services that you do not currently receive but which would be important to you (first mention)

[k62_2] Please circle three services that you regard the most important for the management of your daily activities. You can also select services that you do not currently receive but which would be important to you (second mention)

[k62_3] Please circle three services that you regard the most important for the management of your daily activities. You can also select services that you do not currently receive but which would be important to you (third mention)

[k62_muu] Some other service, which? (open-ended)

[k63] Do the fees of the services you use cause you financial problems?

[k64a] Do you regularly care for or assist someone? I care for/assist my spouse/partner

[k64b] Do you regularly care for or assist someone? I care for/assist my grandchildren

[k64c] Do you regularly care for or assist someone? I care for/assist someone else close to me

[k65] In the past two years, have you experienced something that has greatly affected you?

[k66] Please describe the thing/things that affected you greatly (open-ended)

[k67] What would you say your quality of life is like?

[k68] How satisfied are you with your health?

[k69a] To what extent have you experienced certain things in the past two weeks: To what extent does physical pain prevent you from doing things necessary for your daily life?

[k69b] To what extent have you experienced certain things in the past two weeks: How much do you enjoy life?

[k69c] To what extent have you experienced certain things in the past two weeks: To what extent do you feel that your life is meaningful?

[k70] How well are you able to concentrate on things?

[k71] How safe do you feel in your daily life?

[k72] How healthy do you regard your physical environment?

[k73a] To what extent have you been able to experience or do certain things in the past two weeks: Do you have enough energy in terms of your daily life?

[k73b] To what extent have you been able to experience or do certain things in the past two weeks: Are you satisfied with your appearance?

[k73c] To what extent have you been able to experience or do certain things in the past two weeks: Do you have enough money for your needs?

[k73d] To what extent have you been able to experience or do certain things in the past two weeks: Do you receive enough information on things important to your everyday life?

[k73e] To what extent have you been able to experience or do certain things in the past two weeks: To what extent do you have opportunities for engaging in leisure activities?

[k74] What is your ability to move like?

[k75a] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with quality of your sleep?

[k75b] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with your ability to manage your daily activities?

[k75c] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with yourself?

[k75d] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with your relationships?

[k75e] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with the support you receive from your family?

[k75f] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with the support you receive from your friends?

[k75g] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with your neighbourhood of residence?

[k75h] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with your opportunities to access health services?

[k75i] How satisfied have you been with different things in your life in the past two weeks: How satisfied are you with your opportunities to use public transport and/or other vehicles?

[k76] How often have you had negative emotions such as unhappiness, despair, anxiety or depression?

[k77] Have you felt lonely in the past two weeks?

[bv1] The respondent's region (NUTS3) of residence

[bv2] Degree of urbanisation of the municipality of residence

[bv3] Average monthly net income at the disposal of the respondent's household in 2004 (total household income after taxes)

[bv4] The respondent's education level (three-level ISCED classification)

[bv5a] Expansion weight, persons

[bv5b] Sampling weight, persons

[bv6a] Expansion weight, households

[bv6b] Sampling weight, households

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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