FSD2810 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2012

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(IF BV2>17) The candidate of which political party or group would you most likely vote for, if the PARLIAMENTARY elections were held now?


Category labels Value n
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SDP) 1 150
National Coalition Party (KOK) 2 123
Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 102
Left Alliance (VAS) 4 43
Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP) 5 11
Finns Party (PS) 6 157
Christian Democrats in Finland (KD) 7 16
Green League (VIHR) 8 104
Don't want to answer 9 65
Wouldn't vote 10 62
Don't have the right to vote, no franchise 11 9
Other 13 8
Can't say 14 125
Displayed frequencies are not weighted

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 975
Maximum 14
Minimum 1
Mean 6.13
Standard deviation 4.230

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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