FSD2293 Finnish Youth Survey 2007

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv4] Respondent's mother tongue

[bv5] Household composition

[bv6_1] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Matriculation examination (i.e. completed general upper secondary education)

[bv6_2] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Vocational qualification (i.e. completed upper secondary vocational education)

[bv6_3] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Polytechnic degree (tertiary vocational education)

[bv6_4] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: University degree

[bv6_5] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: None of the above

[bv6_6] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: No answer

[bv7] Has your father a degree or certificate from...

[bv8] Has your mother a degree or certificate from...

[bv9] Are you currently studying?

[bv10] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN BV9) Where are you studying at present?

[bv11] Are you currently doing any paid work?

[bv12] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN BV11) Respondent's job contract

[bv13] Respondent's occupational status

[bv14] Respondent's economic activity

[bv15] How long have you been continuously unemployed or laid off? Please give your estimation in months.

[bv16] Do you think you will be employed in the near future?

[bv17] How well is your current job commensurate with your education?

[bv18] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your current job?

[q1] Which of the following do you regard as most important in a job?

[q2_1] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: Many people think that unemployment is the individual's own fault

[q2_2] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: Most people have a condescending attitude towards the unemployed

[q2_3] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: My friends think it is OK to be unemployed

[q2_4] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: If one becomes unemployed, it is not one's own fault but due to the fact that there is too little work available in society

[q2_5] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: It is difficult for the unemployed to plan their life and future

[q2_6] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: The unemployed become financially dependent on other people

[q2_7] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: The unemployed can plan their days freely

[q2_8] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: The unemployed lose their self-confidence

[q2_9] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: The health of the unemployed deteriorates

[q2_10] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: The skills of the unemployed lag behind the requirements of the labour market

[q2_11] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements on unemployment: Unemployment is shameful

[q3] For what type of organisation would you prefer to work?

[q4a] Which of the following is the greatest obstacle to the employment of young people?

[q4b] Which of the following is the second greatest obstacle to the employment of young people?

[q5_1] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Education substantially improves one's chances of getting a job

[q5_2] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Unemployment is not such a bad thing, if the system provides one with enough income to live on

[q5_3] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The wage of a young person just starting his/her career could initially be lower than the normal wage for such a job

[q5_4] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Staying in the labour market requires continuous education

[q5_5] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The number of people permanently outside working life will increase

[q5_6] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Young people claiming unemployment benefits should be made to do some work that would benefit society, as compensation for the benefit

[q5_7] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Current social security makes people passive and takes away their willingness to become entrepreneurs or self-employed

[q5_8] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: To reduce unemployment, work should be divided among a larger number of people by reducing working hours

[q5_9] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In my career, I will attain a higher social status than my parents

[q5_10] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The number of people permanently excluded from working life will increase

[q5_11] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I would rather do even temporary work than live on unemployment benefits, if the net income were equal

[q5_12] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I would be willing to change my place of residence in order to get work

[q5_13] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Finnish labour market needs more foreign workers

[q5_14] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is likely that I have to change jobs several times during my career

[q5_15] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Nowadays, working life demands so much from employees that many people suffer from burn-out at an early stage

[q6_1] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should the school encourage girls to take up so-called men's jobs and boys so-called women's jobs?

[q6_2] What do you think about the following questions on education: Is the division into men's and women's professions a problem in Finland?

[q6_3] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should gender quotas be introduced for admission to various study programmes (e.g. in the field of education, health care, or construction)?

[q6_4] What do you think about the following questions on education: Does the school support different (e.g. slow and fast) learners enough at present?

[q6_5] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should there be separate classes or schools for talented pupils?

[q6_6] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should the compulsory schooling age be lowered to 6?

[q6_7] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should the compulsory schooling age be raised to 18?

[q6_8] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education be combined to form a so-called 'youth school'?

[q6_9] What do you think about the following questions on education: Should university education remain free?

[q7_1] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Study adviser

[q7_2] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Parents

[q7_3] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: The media

[q7_4] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Employment agency

[q7_5] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Friends

[q7_6] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Teachers

[q7_7] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: Hobby instructor

[q7_8] To what extent have you received information on post-compulsory education alternatives from the following people or bodies: The Internet

[q8_1] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Employment

[q8_2] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Studies

[q8_3] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Proximity of relatives

[q8_4] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Leisure activities available

[q8_5] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Proximity of nature

[q8_6] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Basic services

[q8_7] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Reasonably priced housing

[q8_8] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Safety and security

[q8_9] To what extent do the following things influence your choice of municipality of residence: Something else

[q9] In which municipality or town would you prefer to live?

[q10_1] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Racism has increased among the Finnish youth in recent years

[q10_2] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Finland should accept more refugees

[q10_3] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Success in life is up to oneself

[q10_4] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: One can usually trust that the Government makes the right decisions

[q10_5] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: EU membership has proven to be beneficial to Finland

[q10_6] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Democracy works well in Finland and it provides citizens with adequate opportunities to influence

[q10_7] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Social inequality between different population groups has increased

[q10_8] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Financial institutions should limit the granting of consumption credits

[q10_9] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: I can influence the decisions concerning the future of my residential area

[q10_10] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Foreigners have diversified the Finnish culture

[q10_11] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Personal poverty is caused by one's own choices

[q10_12] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Young people's social exclusion is exaggerated

[q10_13] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Education I have received has provided me with good knowledge and skills for acting as a member of society

[q10_14] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Finland should provide all citizens with a universal basic income

[q10_15] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: A universal basic income would encourage people to work

[q10_16] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: A universal basic income would encourage people to idleness

[q10_17] Do you agree of disagree with the following statements: Young people can influence the youth issues in their municipality or town of residence

[q11_1] Should the voting age be lowered to 16 in the following elections: Parliamentary elections

[q11_2] Should the voting age be lowered to 16 in the following elections: Local elections

[q11_3] Should the voting age be lowered to 16 in the following elections: Presidential elections

[q11_4] Should the voting age be lowered to 16 in the following elections: European Parliament elections

[q11_5] Should the voting age be lowered to 16 in the following elections: Parish elections

[q12] Do you think the financial situation of your generation will be better or worse than that of the previous generations?

[q13] Do you think the situation concerning the amount of political influence of your generation will be better or worse than that of the previous generations?

[q14] Do you feel there is a great 'generation gap' between older and younger generations?

[q15_1] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own family and children

[q15_2] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Permanent job

[q15_3] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: High standard of living

[q15_4] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Ownership of dwelling

[q15_5] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: High social status

[q15_6] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own car

[q15_7] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own business

[q15_8] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Higher than average wage

[q15_9] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Possibility to travel and see the world

[q15_10] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Possibility to make environmentally friendly consumer decisions

[q15_11] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Be involved in politics

[q16_1] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The importance of communities will increase

[q16_2] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Income disparity will grow in Finland

[q16_3] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Population will concentrate in a couple of centres

[q16_4] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The importance of social extremist movements will increase

[q16_5] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Insecurity will increase in society

[q16_6] Thinking about the future, do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The proportion of foreigners in Finland will increase

[q17] How many friends or acquaintances belonging to another household are you in contact with on a relatively regular basis?

[q18] How often do you meet your friends?

[q19] How often are you in contact with your friends by telephone or e-mail?

[q20] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your financial situation?

[q21] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your education?

[q22] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your leisure time?

[q23] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your personal relationships?

[q24] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your health?

[q25] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your life in general?

[q26] In the past 12 months, have you heard about the campaign 'All different - all equal' organised in Finland?

[q27_1] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: From the Internet

[q27_2] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: In festivals or other events

[q27_3] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: At school

[q27_4] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: From the radio, the press, or TV

[q27_5] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: In civic organisation activities

[q27_6] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: From advertising material

[q27_7] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: From somewhere else

[q27_8] (IF ANSWERED 'YES' IN Q26) Where have you received information on the aforementioned campaign: Can't say

[kuntaryh] Type of municipality of residence

[suuralue] Major regions (new NUTS2)

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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