FSD2229 Religion and the Finns 2006

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[q1_1] All religious groups in Finland should have equal rights

[q1_2] We must respect all religions

[q1_3] Religion has too much influence on politics nowadays

[q2] Do you think that people prejudiced against a racial or ethnic group should be allowed to express their views publicly?

[q3_1] Do you think religious extremists should be allowed to hold public meetings to express their views?

[q3_2] Do you think religious extremists should be allowed to publish books expressing their views?

[q3_3] Do you think religious extremists should be allowed to set up websites expressing their views?

[q3_4] Do you think religious extremists should be allowed to have their views reported by the media?

[q4_1] Would you be willing for a person of a different faith from yours to marry someone related to you?

[q4_2] Would you be willing for a person of a different faith from yours to be a candidate of the political party you support?

[q5_1] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Catholics

[q5_2] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Orthodox Christians

[q5_3] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Protestants

[q5_4] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Muslims

[q5_5] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Hindus

[q5_6] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Buddhists

[q5_7] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Jews

[q5_8] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Jehovah Witnesses

[q5_9] What is your personal attitude towards the following religious groups: Atheists or non-believers

[q6_1] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Orthodox Church

[q6_2] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Catholic Church

[q6_3] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Evangelical Lutheran Church

[q6_4] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Salvation Army

[q6_5] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Adventist Church

[q6_6] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Evangelical Free Church of Finland

[q6_7] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Pentecostalism

[q6_8] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Jehovah Witnesses

[q6_9] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Mormons

[q6_10] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Islam

[q6_11] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Hinduism

[q6_12] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Buddhism

[q6_13] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Judaism

[q6_14] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Hare Krishna movement/International Society for Krishna Consciousness

[q6_15] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Church of Scientology

[q6_16] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Laestadian movement

[q6_17] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Pietism

[q6_18] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Charismatic movements (like the Nokia Revival)

[q6_19] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Satanism

[q6_20] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Kabbala

[q6_21] What kind of image do you have of the following religions, churches or groups: Wicca

[q7_1] Practicing a religion helps people to find inner peace and happiness

[q7_2] Practicing a religion helps people to keep good relations within the family

[q7_3] Practicing a religion helps people to satisfy their need for security and shelter

[q7_4] Practicing a religion helps people to make friends

[q7_5] Practicing a religion helps people to gain comfort in times of trouble and sorrow

[q7_6] Practicing a religion helps people to meet the right kind of people

[q7_7] Practicing a religion helps people to advance their economic standing

[q8_1] Do you believe in: Life after death

[q8_2] Do you believe in: Heaven

[q8_3] Do you believe in: Hell

[q8_4] Do you believe in: Religious miracles

[q8_5] Do you believe in: Reincarnation - being reborn in this world again and again

[q8_6] Do you believe in: Nirvana - the ultimate state transcending pain and desire in which individual consciousness ends

[q8_7] Do you believe in: The supernatural powers of deceased ancestors

[q9_1] All religions fulfill the same purpose, only their creeds and practices differ

[q9_2] If one satisfies certain religious requirements, she or he can become a god him/herself

[q9_3] One can find true freedom from worldly sufferings or desires through one's own effort, without God's intervention

[q9_4] Worshipping ancestors does not violate my religious beliefs

[q9_5] Men should have greater leadership than women in religious services or rituals

[q10] Please indicate the extent to which you are inclined to respect the memory of your direct ancestors

[q11] How often do you do something in the memory of your direct ancestors?

[q12] When you pray, how often do you give thanks or ask for something?

[q13_1] Earthly existence is the only existence we have

[q13_2] I have my own way of connecting with God without churches or religious services

[q13_3] I am not much involved with a religion, but care a lot about the sacred and the supernatural

[q14] Which of the following statements comes closest to your own views?

[q15] What best describes you:

[q16] How often have you felt as though you were close to a powerful, spiritual force that seemed to lift you out of yourself?

[q17] In your home do you have a shrine, altar, or a religious object on display such as the Cross, an icon, a picture of a saint, or an angel?

[q18] How often do you take part in the activities or organisations of a church or place of worship other than attending services?

[q19] How often do you go visit a shrine or temple or make a religious trip to a holy place, such as a pilgrimage or going to an ancestral shrine?

[q20] During the last year did you make some personal sacrifice as an expression of your faith such as by fasting, following a special diet, or giving up some activity during a holy season such as Lent or Ramadan?

[q21a] Are you married at the moment or have you ever been married before?

[q21b] Were you married in a religious ceremony with a priest of the Evangelical Lutheran Church or some other religious leader presiding?

[q22] If you were to marry, would you prefer to have a religious ceremony with a priest of the Evangelical Lutheran Church or some other religious leader presiding?

[q23] Please indicate which statement below comes closest to expressing what you believe about God

[q24] About how often do you pray?

[q25] Would you describe yourself as...

[q26] Would you describe yourself as...

[q27] Which of the following statements comes closest to your own views?

[q28] Do you belong to a church or other religious denomination?

[q29] How often do you attend worship services or other religious services, ceremonies or events?

[q30] When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by the Finnish law to end the patient's life by painless means if the patient and his/her family request it?

[q31] Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if he/she has an incurable disease?

[q32a] Let us think about the use of cloning technology to create a child. Do you think research into reproductive cloning should be allowed to go forward?

[q32b] Let us think about the use of cloning technology to help in the search for possible cures and treatment for diseases and disabilities. Do you think research into therapeutic cloning should be allowed to go forward?

[q33] Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable or morally wrong to clone humans?

[q34] Respondent's year of birth

[q35] Respondent's marital status

[q36] Are you at the moment living together with your spouse or steady partner?

[q36b] How long have you been living together with your spouse or steady partner? (Give the year when started cohabiting)

[q37] Respondent's education

[q37b] Spouses's education

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's household composition

[bv3] Number of persons in the household, including yourself

[bv4] Are you in paid employment at the moment?

[bv5] Respondent's occupational group

[bv5_1] (IF PENSIONER/RETIRED) Respondent's former occupational group

[bv6] Respondent's employment sector

[bv7] Type of respondent's employer

[bv8] Respondent's membership in the unions affiliated with the mentioned trade union confederations

[bv8_1] Respondent's membership in a SAK (Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions) trade union

[bv8_2] Respondent's membership in an Akava (Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland) trade union

[bv8_3] Respondent's membership in a STTK (Finnish Confederation of Professionals) trade union

[bv8_4] Respondent's membership in an unemployment fund

[bv9_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[bv9_2] Which party or group did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections held in March 2003?

[bv9_3] Which party or group did you vote for in the last municipal (local) elections held in autumn 2004?

[bv9_4] Respondent's political orientation on a left-right axis

[bv10_1] Household annual gross income

[bv10_2] Respondent's annual gross income

[bv11] How would you describe your and your household's financial circumstances and disposable income at the moment?

[bv12] Housing tenure

[bv13_1] Province of residence (new division)

[bv13_2] Province of residence (old division)

[bv14] Municipality size

[bv15_1] Municipality of residence

[bv15_2] Type of municipality (1)

[bv15_3] Type of neighbourhood (1)

[bv16] Major region (NUTS2)

[bv17_1] Type of municipality (2)

[bv17_2] Type of neighbourhood

[bv17_3] Type of municipality (2)

[bv17_4] Type of neighbourhood (2)

[bv18] Region of residence

[bv19] Respondent's self-perceived social class

[bv20] Respondent's age (source: register data)

[bv21] Respondent's marital status (2)

[bv22] Respondent's education (2)

[bv23] Respondent's occupation/job title

[paino] Weight variable

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