FSD2020 Development Cooperation Survey 2000

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1200_1] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Averting famine/providing food assistance

[q1200_2] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Human rights/equality

[q1200_3] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving the situation of women

[q1200_4] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Helping children

[q1200_5] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Health care

[q1200_6] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Preventing overpopulation

[q1200_7] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Humanitarian aid/helping people in need

[q1200_8] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Developing democracy

[q1200_9] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Education

[q1200_10] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving employment

[q1200_11] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Peacekeeping

[q1200_12] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Teaching developing countries to help themselves/helping them towards sustainable development/self-sufficiency

[q1200_13] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Expert help/know-how

[q1200_14] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving the state of the environment

[q1200_15] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Clean water/wells

[q1200_16] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Taking local circumstances and needs into account

[q1200_17] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Reducing poverty/satisfying basic needs/improving standard of living

[q1200_18] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Taking help to where it is needed

[q1200_19] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Material help

[q1200_20] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Right targets for help/realistic goals/ensuring that help goes to those who need it

[q1200_21] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Raising the per cent of GDP given as aid/financial aid

[q1200_22] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Trade/marketing Finnish products/aid that benefits Finland also

[q1200_23] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Finland should put things right at home first

[q1200_24] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Discontinuing development cooperation altogether

[q1200_25] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Prioritizing regions just across the Finnish border

[q1200_26] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Helping countries at war

[q1200_27] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Present goals are appropriate

[q1200_28] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Help given straight to target, no intermediaries

[q1200_29] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Something else

[q1200_30] What do you think should be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Can't say

[q1201] Which of the following goals of development co-operation do you consider the most important?

[q1202_1] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: African countries

[q1202_2] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Asian countries

[q1202_3] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: South and Central American countries

[q1202_4] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Central and Eastern European countries

[q1202_5] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Regions just across the Finnish border (in Russia)

[q1202_6] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Baltic countries

[q1202_7] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Balkan countries

[q1202_8] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Caucasus

[q1202_9] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Other countries/region

[q1202_10] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Can't say

[q1202_11] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Kosovo

[q1202_12] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Chechnya

[q1202_13] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Former Yugoslavia

[q1202_14] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Poorer countries

[q1202_15] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: War zones

[q1202_16] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Crisis zones

[q1202_17] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Regions suffering from famine

[q1202_18] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Regions suffering from natural disasters

[q1202_19] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Wherever needed

[q1203_1] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Environmental problems/desertification

[q1203_2] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of water/water problems

[q1203_3] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of know-how

[q1203_4] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Wars

[q1203_5] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Insufficient health care/need for medicines

[q1203_6] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Child mortality/children

[q1203_7] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Population growth

[q1203_8] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Low standard of living/poverty

[q1203_9] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: General misery/harsh conditions of life

[q1203_10] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Primitiveness/backwardness

[q1203_11] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Famine

[q1203_12] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Need for aid

[q1203_13] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Human rights violations/inequality

[q1203_14] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Kindred nation/region located just across the border

[q1203_15] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Effect on Finland

[q1203_16] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Good chances for development/good possibilities to help

[q1203_17] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Refugee problems/so that people would stay in their own country

[q1203_18] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: I have heard most of this region/sympathy

[q1203_19] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Aid really goes to those who need it

[q1203_20] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Tradition/been done before/learned to help

[q1203_21] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Has problems/things not right there

[q1203_22] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Possible to make a difference

[q1203_23] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Hygienic conditions

[q1203_24] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: For women

[q1203_25] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: To make the countries in the area self-sufficient

[q1203_26] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Other

[q1203_27] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Can't say

[q1203_28] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: To pay a long-standing debt/these countries have been exploited

[q1203_29] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Natural disasters/floods/earthquakes

[q1203_30] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Harsh natural conditions

[q1204_1] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Education

[q1204_2] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Health care and population issues

[q1204_3] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Water supply and sewerage

[q1204_4] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Human rights, democracy, equality and good governance

[q1204_5] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Transportation and telecommunications

[q1204_6] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Energy supply

[q1204_7] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Businesses and banks

[q1204_8] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Industrial development

[q1204_9] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Agriculture and fishing

[q1204_10] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Forestry

[q1204_11] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Environmental protection

[q1204_12] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for development aid: Can't say

[q1205] In your opinion, how important is development cooperation as an instrument of Finland's foreign policy?

[q1206] How much information do you get on the results and impact of Finland's development cooperation?

[q1207_1] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Television

[q1207_2] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Radio

[q1207_3] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Newspapers/periodicals/magazines

[q1207_4] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Helsingin Sanomat (leading national daily newspaper)

[q1207_5] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Kehitys-Utveckling, Kehitysuutiset, Kumppani (periodicals concentrating on development cooperation issues)

[q1207_6] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Internet

[q1207_7] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Public events/exhibitions

[q1207_8] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Schools and other educational institutions/study

[q1207_9] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Books, publications

[q1207_10] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Discussions with friends or family members

[q1207_11] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: At work

[q1207_12] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Hobbies/travel

[q1207_13] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Other sources

[q1207_14] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Can't say

[q1207_15] From what source would you like to receive information on development cooperation and developing countries: Direct marketing/through mail

[q1208_1] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Television

[q1208_2] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Radio

[q1208_3] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Newspapers/periodicals/magazines

[q1208_4] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Helsingin Sanomat (leading national daily newspaper)

[q1208_5] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Kehitys-Utveckling, Kehitysuutiset, Kumppani (periodicals concentrating on development cooperation issues)

[q1208_6] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Internet

[q1208_7] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Public events/exhibitions

[q1208_8] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Schools and other educational institutions/study

[q1208_9] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Books, publications

[q1208_10] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Discussions with friends or family members

[q1208_11] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: At work

[q1208_12] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Hobbies/travel

[q1208_13] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Other information sources

[q1208_14] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Can't say

[q1208_15] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Direct marketing/through mail

[q1209] The UN recommends that developed countries devote 0,7% of their GNI to development cooperation. How much of its GNI do you reckon Finland uses for development cooperation at present?

[q1210] How much money should Finland allocate to development cooperation?

[q1211] The Finnish government provides humanitarian aid when catastrophes and disasters happen. Generally speaking, are you satisfied with the velocity with which Finland reacts to problem situations in the world?

[q1212] And are you satisfied with the amount of humanitarian aid Finland provides?

[q1213] Are you satisfied with the choice of targets for humanitarian aid?

[q1215] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations is more effective than co-operation between governments

[q1216] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations has a higher risk of failure than co-operation between governments

[q1217] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations enhances the internationalisation of Finland and Finns better than co-operation between governments

[q1218] Recipients of aid have better opportunities to participate in project planning in development co-operation between voluntary organizations than in co-operation between governments

[q1219] Which do you think is more effective: bilateral aid where Finland provides aid for the recipient country or multilateral aid channelled through the UN or other international bodies?

[q1220_1] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Aid that would take into account local needs and circumstances

[q1220_2] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Water supply/wells

[q1220_3] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Health care/medicines

[q1220_4] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Know-how

[q1220_5] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Education

[q1220_6] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Development of agriculture/afforestation

[q1220_7] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Environmental protection

[q1220_8] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Developing trade

[q1220_9] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Providing equipment/technology

[q1220_10] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Construction projects

[q1220_11] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Industrial development

[q1220_12] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Financial aid

[q1220_13] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Food aid

[q1220_14] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Clothes aid

[q1220_15] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Material aid

[q1220_16] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Crisis/disaster aid

[q1220_17] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Fund-raising

[q1220_18] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Government funding/tax revenue

[q1220_19] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Through voluntary organisations

[q1220_20] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Direct aid to the needy (area or people)

[q1220_21] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Co-operation

[q1220_22] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Same kind of aid as is given at present

[q1220_23] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Would take aid to the target in person

[q1220_24] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Aid to children

[q1220_25] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Aid to women

[q1220_26] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Should be possible to supervise

[q1220_27] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Something else

[q1220_28] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Can't say

[q1220_29] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: There should be certainty that aid really goes where it is supposed to go

[q1220_30] If you yourself could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Contraception/birth control

[q1221_1] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Russia

[q1221_2] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: the Baltics

[q1221_3] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Regions just across the Finnish border

[q1221_4] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Eastern Europe

[q1221_5] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Africa

[q1221_6] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: South America

[q1221_7] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Burma/India

[q1221_8] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Asia

[q1221_9] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Far East

[q1221_10] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: War/disaster zones

[q1221_11] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Very poor developing countries

[q1221_12] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Wherever help is needed

[q1221_13] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: For improving living conditions

[q1221_14] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Refugees

[q1221_15] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Children/the elderly

[q1221_16] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Women

[q1221_17] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Agriculture/forestry

[q1221_18] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Construction and other projects

[q1221_19] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Lack of water

[q1221_20] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Famine

[q1221_21] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Health care

[q1221_22] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Education

[q1221_23] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Environmental protection

[q1221_24] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Finnish Red Cross

[q1221_25] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: UN organisations

[q1221_26] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Same regions/targets as at present

[q1221_27] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Business life

[q1221_28] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: For improving human rights situation

[q1221_29] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Croatia

[q1221_30] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Something else

[q1221_31] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Can't say

[q1221_32] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Chechnya

[q1221_33] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Kosovo

[q1221_34] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Bosnia

[q1221_35] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Serbia

[q1221_36] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Natural disaster areas

[q1221_37] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Population issues/overpopulation

[q1221_38] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Democratic countries

[q1221_39] If you yourself could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Balkan

[q1222] Have you visited developing countries or have you had any contacts with developing countries or people living in them?

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv3] Respondent's employment status

[bv4] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[bv5] Respondent's marital status

[bv6] Economic activity and occupational status of the person with the highest income

[bv7] Respondent is...

[bv8] Who in the household is mainly responsible for everyday chores like shopping?

[bv9] Household type

[bv10_1] Age of children living at home: 0-2 years old

[bv10_2] Age of children living at home: 3-6 years old

[bv10_3] Age of children living at home: 7-12 years old

[bv10_4] Age of children living at home: 13-15 years old

[bv10_5] Age of children living at home: 16-17 years old

[bv11] Total number of children aged under 18 living at home

[bv12] Total gross annual income of the household (before taxes)

[bv13] Total number of persons living in the household (including the respondent)

[bv14] Respondent's education

[bv15] Does the respondent have a driving licence?

[bv16] Type of accommodation

[bv17] Number of inhabitants in the municipality of residence

[bv18] Type of neighbourhood

[bv19] Does the respondent live in a population centre or in a sparsely populated area?

[bv20] Province

[bv21] Region (NUTS)

[bv21] Is the respondent the head of the household?

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