FSD1218 Gender, Education and Career Choice: Follow-up Study 1994

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] The respondent's basic education

[q2_2] The respondent's vocational education

[q3] Thinking about the education you have received as a whole, how well did it correspond to your goals?

[q4_1_1] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your education, which factors do you think had a positive influence?

[q4_1_2] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your education, which specific factors do you think had a positive influence? (open-ended)

[q4_2_1] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your education, which factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)

[q4_2_2] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your education, which specific factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)

[q5] What future plans do you have regarding your education? Describe your plans briefly (open-ended)

[q6] The respondent's employment status

[q9] Thinking about your career as a whole, how well does it correspond to the goals you set for yourself in the first place?

[q10_1_1] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your career, which factors do you think had a positive influence? (open-ended)

[q10_1_2] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your career, which specific factors do you think had a positive influence? (open-ended)

[q10_2_1] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your career, which factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)

[q10_2_2] Thinking back on your life and especially on the factors that influenced your career, which specific factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)

[q11] What future plans do you have regarding your career? Describe your plans briefly (open-ended)

[q12_1] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Security of getting a job, good employment situation

[q12_2] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Easy work tasks and short length of education required for the work

[q12_3] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? High income, wage, financial benefits

[q12_4] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Security of employment contract

[q12_5] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Prestigious status provided by the occupation

[q12_6] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Independence and freedom in the work

[q12_7] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Possibility to continuously learn new things

[q12_8] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? The job in itself, that the work corresponds to one's interests

[q12_9] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Possibility to help others

[q12_10] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Good co-workers and relationships at work

[q12_11] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? That my work enables/allows for many different kinds of hobbies

[q12_12] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? That my work enables/allows for time together with my children

[q12_13] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? That my work enables/allows for social participation

[q12_14] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? That my work enables/allows for leisure time with my family

[q12_15] Which of the following aspects do you value and think are important in your work and occupation? Not having to do shift work

[q13_1] Which of the aspects in the previous question (Q12) do you think is the most important?

[q13_2] Which of the aspects in the previous question (Q12) do you think is the second most important?

[q13_3] Which of the aspects in the previous question (Q12) do you think is the third most important?

[q14] The respondent's marital status

[q15_1] Do you have children?

[q15_2] Number of children

[q17_1] Thinking back on your life and especially on the different factors that influenced the course of your life, which factors do you think had a positive influence? (open-ended)

[q17_2] Thinking back on your life and especially on the different factors that influenced the course of your life, which factors do you think had a negative influence? (open-ended)

[q18] What future plans do you have regarding life, family and leisure time? Describe your plans briefly (open-ended)

[q19_1] Economic activity and occupational status at the beginning of 1990

[q19_2] Economic activity and occupational status at the end of 1990

[q19_3] Economic activity and occupational status at the beginning of 1991

[q19_4] Economic activity and occupational status at the end of 1991

[q19_5] Economic activity and occupational status at the beginning of 1992

[q19_6] Economic activity and occupational status at the end of 1992

[q19_7] Economic activity and occupational status at the beginning of 1993

[q19_8] Economic activity and occupational status at the end of 1993

[q19_9] Economic activity and occupational status at the beginning of 1994

[q19_10] Economic activity and occupational status at the end of 1994

[q20_1] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Education

[q20_2] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Working life / occupation

[q20_3] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Family life / home

[q20_4] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Leisure time / hobbies

[q20_5] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Social relationships

[q20_6] How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life at present? Life as a whole

[q21_a] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Paid employment / having an occupation

[q21_b] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Family

[q21_c] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Arts or a culture hobby

[q21_d] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Sports, exercise

[q21_e] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Creative work you are currently working on (painting, writing, research)

[q21_f] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Your own house/apartment and planning for your home

[q21_g] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Developing your occupational competence and knowledge

[q21_h] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Stabilising your financial situation

[q21_i] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Friendship, relationships with other people

[q21_j] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Hunting, fishing, hiking

[q21_k] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Relaxing entertainment, watching TV, amusement

[q21_l] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Expanding my general knowledge, increasing my language skills

[q21_m] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Ideological work and activities (e.g. peace movement, religious activities)

[q21_n] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Civic participation (e.g. participation in trade union activities or other organisational activities)

[q21_o] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Influencing my living environment and the matters of my municipality of residence

[q21_p] How important do you feel the following aspects of life are for you at present? Some special hobby, which?

[bv1] Original case id

[bv2] Target group respondent belongs to

[bv3] Respondent's participation in follow-up surveys

[bv4] Does respondent belong to the basic group or the follow-up group (further interviews)?

[bv5] The respondent's gender

[koulu1] When did you continue to further education after lower secondary / general upper secondary education? (open-ended 2)

[koulu2] How many education programmes have you started (include all programmes lasting over 6 months) during your educational career? (open-ended 2)

[koulu3] How many education programmes have you discontinued? (open-ended 2)

[koulu4] What is your current situation regarding education? (open-ended 2)

[koulu5] What is your current situation regarding education (more specifically)? (open-ended 2)

[koulu6] Gender bias in the respondent's latest education (according to contemporary statistics), statistics 1984, 1987, 1990 (open-ended 2)

[koulu7] Changes in gender bias between the respondent's educations (open-ended 2)

[koulu8] The respondent's satisfaction with their education (average) (open-ended 2)

[koulu9] The respondent's satisfaction with their education (decreasing, increasing, varying, stable) (open-ended 2)

[ammatala] Main field of the respondent's current occupation according to the Classification of Occupations 1987 (open-ended 7)

[ammatti1] Gender bias in the occupation corresponding to the respondent's education (based on statistics on bias in different fields of education) (open-ended 8)

[ammatti2] Gender bias in the respondent's current occupation (if in paid employment) (open-ended 8)

[ammatti3] Changes in gender bias between the respondent's occupations (open-ended 8)

[ammatti4] How long after completing lower secondary / general upper secondary education did you complete your further education leading to a profession (in months)? (open-ended 8)

[ammatti5] How many different occupations have you had? (open-ended 8)

[ammatti6] The respondent's satisfaction with their career (average) (open-ended 8)

[ammatti7] The respondent's satisfaction with their career (decreasing, increasing, varying, stable) (open-ended 2)

[perhe1] When did you first get married / start cohabiting (year)? (open-ended 16)

[perhe2] When was your first child born (year)? (open-ended 16)

[perhe3] When did you move out of your childhood home / to your own household (year)? (open-ended 16)

[perhe4] The respondent's independence (open-ended 16)

[perhe5] The respondent's family composition (open-ended 16)

[perhe6] The respondent's satisfaction with their family composition (average) (open-ended 2)

[perhe7] The respondent's satisfaction with their family composition (decreasing, increasing, varying, stable) (open-ended 2)

[toaika1] Total time of training periods (in months)

[toaika2] Total time of education periods (in months)

[toaika3] Total time in paid work corresponding to respondent's education (in months)

[toaika4] Total time in paid work not corresponding to respondent's education (in months)

[toaika5] Total time in paid work at home (in months)

[toaika6] Total time of unemployment/temporary lay-off periods (in months)

[toaika7] Total time of military service (in months)

[toaika8] Total time of pension/sick leave (in months)

[toaika9] Total time of entrepreneurship (in months)

[toaika10] Total time of child care leave (in months)

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