FSD1117 Euro Student 2000: Finland

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1.1] Respondent's age

[q1.2] Respondent's gender

[q1.3] Respondent's marital status

[q1.4] Number of children

[q1.5] Respondent's nationality

[q1.6] Do you have any physical defect (e.g. physical, visual or hearing impairment)?

[q2.1_1] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Upper secondary education (general, matriculation examination)

[q2.1_2] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Upper secondary vocational certificate

[q2.1_3] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Vocational college certificate

[q2.1_4] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Higher vocational certificate, polytechnic degree

[q2.1_5] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Academic/university degree

[q2.1_6] Your level of education (mark all educational qualifications achieved before starting your current studies): Other educational qualification/certificate

[q2.2] Had you had vocational education or had you worked before starting your university studies? (you can select more than one alternative if necessary)

[q2.3_1] How many months had you spent studying at a vocational institute and/or working before starting your university studies: I have studied at a vocational institute altogether N months before starting my current studies

[q2.3_2] How many months had you spent studying at a vocational institute and/or working before starting your university studies: I have worked altogether N months before starting my current studies

[q3.1] Which degree will you pursue next?

[q3.2] How many years have you studied at a university (i.e. how many years have you been present at a university, including the current academic year)?

[q3.3] How many years do you think your current studies will take (i.e. how many years do you think you will be present at a university altogether)?

[q3.4] Do you study full-time or part-time?

[q3.5_1] What is your field of study: Polytechnic students

[q3.5_2] What is your field of study: University students

[q3.7] In which province is your university/polytechnic located?

[q3.8] What is the number of inhabitants in the city/town where you are studying?

[q4.1] Where do you live during term time?

[q4.2] How far is this from your university/polytechnic (in kilometres)?

[q4.3] How far is your parents' home from the city/town in which you study?

[q4.4_1] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Student grant (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_2] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Housing allowance (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_3] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Study loan (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_4] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Other income transfers from government subsidies (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_5] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Support from parents/relatives (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_6] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Support from spouse (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_7] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Earned income (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.4_8] Estimate your average monthly disposable income during the school year according to the source of income: Other sources of income (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.5_1] A question for the respondents not living with their parents: Do you regularly receive financial support (other than money) from your parents? Estimate the amount of support: Housing (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.5_2] A question for the respondents not living with their parents: Do you regularly receive financial support (other than money) from your parents? Estimate the amount of support: Other (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.5_3] A question for the respondents not living with their parents: Do you regularly receive financial support (other than money) from your parents? Estimate the amount of support: Total (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_1] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Housing (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_2] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Food (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_3] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Clothing and toiletries (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_4] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Study materials, books, etc. (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_5] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Transport and travel (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_6] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Hobbies and leisure (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_7] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants, partying (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.6_8] Estimate how much you spend per month on each of the following (does not apply to the expenses your parents or spouse directly pay for): Other expenses (Finnish marks per month)

[q4.7] Describe your financial situation during the past six months

[q4.8] If you considered (consider) your financial situation to be bad, what would you do?

[q4.9_1] How would you describe your living conditions in terms of the following factors: Housing

[q4.9_2] How would you describe your living conditions in terms of the following factors: Material well-being

[q4.9_3] How would you describe your living conditions in terms of the following factors: Workload caused by studies

[q4.9_4] How would you describe your living conditions in terms of the following factors: If in paid employment: Workload at work

[q4.9_5] How would you describe your living conditions in terms of the following factors: If in paid employment: Study/work balance

[q4.10_1] During term-time, on a normal week (including week-ends), how many hours per week do you spend on: Participating in lectures/classes, exercises, etc. (hours per week)

[q4.10_2] During term-time, on a normal week (including week-ends), how many hours per week do you spend on: Paid employment (hours per week)

[q4.10_3] During term-time, on a normal week (including week-ends), how many hours per week do you spend on: Personal study on your own (hours per week)

[q4.10_4] During term-time, on a normal week (including week-ends), how many hours per week do you spend on: Leisure (sleeping excluded) (hours per week)

[q5.1] Respondent's mother tongue

[q5.2_1] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): English

[q5.2_2] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): French

[q5.2_3] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Swedish

[q5.2_4] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): German

[q5.2_5] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Russian

[q5.2_6] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Arabic

[q5.2_7] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Spanish

[q5.2_8] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Dutch

[q5.2_9] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Italian

[q5.2_10] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Japanese

[q5.2_11] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Chinese

[q5.2_12] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Portuguese

[q5.2_13] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Finnish

[q5.2_14] Estimate your language skills on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is poor (leave the question empty if you possess no skills at all or if it is your mother tongue): Other language

[q5.3] Had you ever been abroad before starting your university studies?

[q5.4_1] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Studies: As an exchange student (at an upper secondary school)

[q5.4_2] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Studies: As an exchange student (post-secondary)

[q5.4_3] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Studies: In a practical training

[q5.4_4] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Studies: On a language course

[q5.4_5] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Studies: Other studies

[q5.4_6] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Other: As an au pair

[q5.4_7] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Other: On holiday

[q5.4_8] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Other: In paid work

[q5.4_9] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Other: Lived abroad

[q5.4_10] (IF YES) Why were you abroad? Also indicate the duration of your stay in months if longer than one month. Other: Other reason

[q5.5] Do you intend to study abroad?

[q5.6_1] Which of the following were included in your studies abroad? Also indicate the duration in months: Participating in classes in an educational institute

[q5.6_2] Which of the following were included in your studies abroad? Also indicate the duration in months: Language studies

[q5.6_3] Which of the following were included in your studies abroad? Also indicate the duration in months: Practicing

[q5.6_4] Which of the following were included in your studies abroad? Also indicate the duration in months: Other

[q5.8_1] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Finnish student grant

[q5.8_2] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Finnish study loan

[q5.8_3] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Finnish scholarships

[q5.8_4] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: International organisation

[q5.8_5] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Support from the host country, scholarships

[q5.8_6] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Contribution from the parents/relatives

[q5.8_7] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Savings from earned income

[q5.8_8] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Paid employment in host country

[q5.8_9] How did you finance your studies abroad? Estimate the total amount of money you spent studying abroad according to the source of income: Other

[q5.9] Which exhange programme did you participate in?

[q5.10] At which stage of your current studies did you study abroad?

[q6.1_1] Education level of the respondent's father

[q6.1_2] Education level of the respondent's mother

[q6.2_1] What is the current employment status of your father?

[q6.2_2] What is the current employment status of your mother?

[q6.3_1] What is your father's actual occupation (or former occupation if not currently employed)?

[q6.3_2] What is your mother's actual occupation (or former occupation if not currently employed)?

[q6.4] Try to estimate your parents' average monthly net income (in Finnish marks)

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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