FSD1015 Finnish Voter Barometer 1988

Valitse muuttuja


Regarding the direct vote, what was the main reason for your choice of the presidential candidate?


selite/vastausvaihtoehto arvo n
foreign policy 1 15
government composition 2 2
ideological reasons 3 232
television appearance 4 12
personal characteristics 5 302
taxation 6 1
circumstances for families with children 7 1
defends the weak 8 2
unemployment 9 1
promotes the interests of entrepreneurs 10 1
promotes reforms in labour market 11 3
regional policy 12 3
changed opinion 13 3
no other option 14 40
promotes the interests of employees 15 1
long experience 16 46
good record 17 56
best alternative 18 69
president for the entire nation 19 11
domestic policy 20 14
other reason 21 27
can't say 22 205
Esitetyt jakaumat ovat painottamattomia


kelvollisten havaintojen lkm 1047
maksimi 22
minimi 1
keskiarvo 10.98
keskihajonta 7.841

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